
Plastic grinding mill system

  • Permanent magnets
  • Simple installation
  • Various sizes
  • 100% reliability

We all know that scrap is a problem in the plastics industry, everyone would like to get the most out of their raw materials and keep waste and scrap to a minimum. That is why the plastics industry uses various grinding mills for the processing of scrap, cut plastic, … plastic that can be then reused. On initiative from our partners, we have developed a system that reliably protects your mill from the potential intake of metal fragments, such as screws or other metal components, which could damage your mill.

The systems are custom-made, produced to your dimensions. The actual installation, as the system is fitted with a magnet on the bottom, which can be attached on the entry groove into the mill. We recommend this system to all plastics processors, as it will efficiently decrease scrap and costs.


Need more info on Plastic grinding mill system?

Don't hesitate to contact us.