Company Magsis
The company MAGSIS MAGNETNI SISTEMI d.o.o. was founded in 2002. We are a team of dedicated expert staff providing advisory services in the fields of magnetism, magnetic materials and magnetic technicalities. Our vision is to satisfy our customers with high-quality products, short delivery times and state-of-the-art technology. We manufacture magnets and magnetic systems, from the simplest magnets to the sophisticated systems.
Our customers are companies from various industries (metal, tool-making, electrical, technical, timber, car industry, etc.) whom we provide technically and economically most advantageous solutions underpinned by our experience – to meet their demands for magnetic solutions.
We firmly believe that you will be satisfied with our products as well.
Our vision
We have the ambition to become, the leading producer of magnet systems and supplier of magnetic industrial applications in Central and Southeastern Europe.
A supplier who offers the customer technically and technologically perfected products, technical and development support, and who surpasses the customer’s quality expectations!
7.1.2016: Began cooperation with successfull american company Urban Mining Co. , which is leading in the markets of recycling raw magnetic materials. We are also planning to establish a network of raw materials supply for making of magnets.
1.4.2015: We became an official distributer for italian company Scaglia Indeva and signed an exclusive partnership for intelligent electronic devices, that enable hand manipulation of heavy burdens. We are an exclusive dealers and distributers for INDEVA devices for countries Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. We offer maintenance, repairs and spare parts.
15.9.2011: In 2011 we started working on a new project cooperating with italian company for development of magnetic technics. This co-op was joined by the company TECOS development center, that is offering a big technical support. This project involves a great deal of knowledge in the field of magnetism and magnetic raw materials ( SmCo, NdFb,Fe,Ni……)
21.9.2009: New products for filtering coolant emulsion in grinding metal industry have been included to our program. This filters and magnetic separators, effectively clean up coolant liquid of all impurities. In short time, we will include also conveyors for waste material.
2.4.2009: We riched our program with magnetic vauns and systems for concrete industry. Produceing is all by your demand with size, strenght and function. Vaun can be used as pulley or in non-contact engines systems for concrete industry are specially designed for fastening precast.
15.10.2008: From 20.10.2008 to 23.10.2008 we are on every year seminar of company Indenna-dvigala d.o.o. which is this year in Belgrade, Serbia. We would like to invite every interesent company which would like to see presentaions of our companys. For detail information you can contact us by E.mail.
28.2.2008: Dear business partners we remove our headquaters and production to a new adress: Dunajska cesta 421, 1231 Ljubljana SLO-EU. Where we`ll in new modern and biger place offer you more quality products and constructing new technological solutions. With You for future.
19.11.2007: We supple our product line with magnetic boards for vehicle such as: Taxi, driving school, intervention, advertisment boards…etc. We produce also on request… MORE:
18.9.2007: With cooperation company Plastenka d.o.o. from Radomlje, Slovenia we developed for them, separation system for plastic grinding mills. Half year of testing, on their mills, give us very good results. Separator prevent entrance of metal parts such as screw, chip… With this kind of separator we prevent demage on mills so this magnetic separator save your time and money. If you have same problems we would like to offer you magnetic separator for plastic grinding mills.
11.9.2007: Company MAGSIS d.o.o. and INDENNA-DVIGALA d.o.o. set agreement for cooperation in constructing big lifting systems. For manipulation hevy loads in hevy industry, we will supplying magnetic lifters and belong equipment, partner company construction applications, logistics and support. Priority markets, formal Yugoslav Republics.
9.8.2007: Company SINUSIKS d.o.o. from Ljubljana, estabilish new web site for Magsis d.o.o. The modern internet site will be constantly refreshed with new products, pictures, projects etc. in our company. We would like to thank all our partners and invite new ones to test our quality of magnetic products.